Adding a startup movie to a Lyra Starter game project will cause a crash in a packaged build. Full callstack is attached ...
For desktop renderers, deferred and forward are both one draw.[Image Removed][Image Removed] ...
Sometimes GPU ribbons will link between one another like this, checking in the debugger you can see that the RibbonIDs are different. [Image Removed] ...
How to Reproduce: 1. Open Editor 5.3 (ReltestB) in Localized version (culture= ) 2. Click on the "show" icon in the level viewport 3. Navigate to the following locations in the Show menu and observ ...
This seems to be a threading issue, as forcing the editor to run single threaded with -onethread makes the assert not reproduce. ...
Newly added scene components to blueprints will have no billboard sprites, and thus cause the actor to be invisible in the editor unless other visible components are added. They exist on the default ...
See attached gif for popping behavior. The issue does not occur if using the Enter hotkey or clicking the Add Keyframe button. The issue also does not occur on static or skeletal meshes. ...
The user suggested scaling the TitleBarSize in SWindow::GetClientRectInScreen by GetDPIScaleFactor(), which makes sense to me but doesn't seem to solve the issue entirely. ...