Force feedback does not strengthen when expected on IOS. It stays the same regardless of where the pawn is on either the red or yellow squares. Tested on 9753_iPhone 7+ 12.0.1 and 16021_iPhone XS ...
The construction script for a custom actor blueprint does not execute after drag when the scene component is selected. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 5660361), 4.22.1 (CL - 6063286), 4.23 (CL - 6248266) ...
Niagara particles are culled from far distances when materials with the Opaque Blend mode are applied to them. Tested in 4.21.2(CL - 4753647), 4.22.1 (CL - 6063286), 4.23 (CL - 6311794) ...
Running a project with the RenderOffscreen flag in the DebugGame configuration applied causes the debugger to crash. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.1 (CL - 6063286), 4.23 (CL - 6674923) ...
Issue occurs in both events and functions. Seems like it's only affecting Text, didn't notice this issue for other variable types. The original actor is working as expected. Only the duplicated one ...
Summary A licensee has reported a crash with HDR.Details A UDN customer has reported that 4.27.1 still crashes when they attempt to enable HDR on macOS. The report also states that the iOS build cra ...
It seems that the [Link Removed] UBT creates to ensure any child processes are terminated on close is somehow affecting the mspdbsrv process that cl is spawning and terminating it when cl is finishe ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.1 CL2390901 The crash occurred 3/5 times. Crash occurs while playing in editor with a State Tree using Bool Compare for a transition state to a child ...
TextRender components do not update when text is changed on compile. The blueprint must be saved, closed, and re-opened for the change to take effect. ...
The crash can be worked around by modifying FFoliageISMActor::Serialize as following code : void FFoliageISMActor::Serialize(FArchive& Ar) { #if WITH_EDITORONLY_DATA if (!Ar.IsCooking()) // ...