Only occurs launching onto device from Mac. Did not occur from windows. Error message is displayed on android device when launching QAGame QAEntry on to it:Error: CDO Constructor (DeprecatedGearVRC ...
When using the Multi-line option for a text variable, this option is no longer present when the variable becomes an array. It is unsure if this is intended behavior or not. This issue does not appea ...
Engine crashes when the value in the Cubemap Resolution for the SkyLight component in the BP_LightStage is changed by spinning the value. This asset is found within the Advanced_Lighting map of a B ...
The editor stalls out at 45% while opening to the project browser. This is occurring on machines with Windows 7 and 10. I tried using VS attach to process but it didn't provide very much. Opening th ...
After setting up a Virtual Bone on the skeleton and having it drive a Skeletal Control Node in an Animation Blueprint. Reimporting the skeletal mesh will cause the setup in the Anim BP to revert bac ...
The attached project has a fixed frame rate of 30fps with a simulating CCD cube above a with a full restitution floor. The cube has an odd rotation, such that it impacts the floor at a single point ...
When using the node Add Loading Splash Screen the delta rotation does not appear to update/rotate the texture that is applied as the tool tip appears to suggest ("(in)" Incremental rotation, that is ...
Undo fills AttachChildren array with null by the undo serializer. After that, a construction script tries to remove child components from parent component's AttachChildren but it can't find its poi ...
When using an Optional Name parameter in Create Dynamic Material Instance while using the same Optional Name twice in UMG the engine crashes. I have tested this in a actor blueprint that applies th ...
Volumetric Translucent Shadow not showing in game mode for versions 4.23-4.25. Reported and tested in versions 4.25.3(CL 13942748), 4.24.3(CL 11590370), 4.23.1(CL 9631420), 4.22.3(CL 7053642). Wor ...