Setting the Enable Collision checkbox to false in the static mesh editor does not alter collision on static mesh objects. ...
A material on a landscape with WPO will cause major ghosting, even if that WPO is a dynamic {0,0,0} ,such as from a black texture. ...
The post process volume in ContentExamples for Screen Percentage is set to 90 which is too high to notice a difference. The documentation has it at 25 here: ...
It seems that changing the value to something different than the default of a Linear Color Struct variable, results in the value being changed when upgrading the project to a new engine version. Thi ...
Box Reflection Capture scale is set to 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 instead of 1,000.0, 1000.0, 400.0 when placed from the Quick Add Menu versus other placement methods. ...
Color space conversion in the UI composition is incorrect on DX12 HDR. In the main() function In CompositeUIPixelShader.usf, you can see the following color space transform.// sRGB -> RRT -> ODT ...
Occurring on all native platforms. ...