Media Plate isn't a feature of 5.0.3 so this is not a regression. Media Plate with multiple Elements changes Element 0 to the default material if 'Use Media Plate Default' is selected for any other ...
First Person Scale and First Person Field of View on camera components do not apply to the depth prepass when rendering First Person View meshes, leading to a mismatch between the depth pre-pass and ...
Potential bug was encountered when exporting vray cameras and their targets that have been path-constraint to corresponding splines. The resulting export file shows no camera targets; hence, missing ...
Planar Reflections seem to be inverted on mobile devices. The angles seem to be off too. ...
When swapping the audio output device while running PIE or a packaged game on Windows, Quartz clocks stop. Does not repro in Release-4.27, but can be reproed in Release-5.0. ...
We need to, at least, prevent this by clearing observers when running a new BT using a different blackboard. Must also think that this might affect licensees relying on the current behavior (might h ...
Sound queues set to play with "Play Sound at Location" node don't play on a game packaged for IOS. **NOTE** User workaround mentioned that sound will come out from connected bluetooth. ...
When creating a Sound Class and editing/applying the 'Radio Filter Volume' option, the sounds associated with the sound class seem to have their attenuation settings overridden or mixed in with an i ...
If an asset file is checked out / edited in source control and checked back in, others will see the yellow exclamation mark to indicate that there is an update to the asset but choosing to sync does ...