We should modify FindBestMatchingFunc_Internal for the case of UObject pins to search for a best matching subclass instead of just use the base UObject comparison. We could also exclude any func ...
we can do a "cheap fix" here by adding the "IgnoreTypePromotion" metadata to the date time functions, but there are some underlying issues with the FindBestMatching func in this case causing it to f ...
Saving and reloading a Blueprint instance with a compilation error, a.k.a., "Bad Blueprint" will lead to a transform reset when the Blueprint is successfully recompiled. ...
This needs to be debugged to see where the data discrepancy comes from. ...
I believe this is happening because when you change your logged in user, the Slate Application will automatically create a new second slate user with an ID of 2. This is bad because the Slate App is ...
The Duration Magnitude property is not zeroed out if a Gameplay Effect's duration policy is changed from HasDuration to Instant. As a result, UAbilitySystemComponent::ApplyGameplayEffectSpecToSelf e ...
UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction passes itself as the source object when making the Interaction Ability Spec in UAbilityTask_GrantNearbyInteraction::QueryInteractables. This causes the "Warning: ...
This is a crash related to copying depth-stencil render targets to the CPU. See linked UDN for more info. ...
Arithmetic assignment operators seem to be applied twice when committed in the Niagara stack. This occurs when entering *= 2.0 for example into a float input. This may be the result of the SNiagar ...