Character asset will crash the editor immediately when opened or right clicked. Crash Report: 431837 ...
While on a Linux OS, the editor immediately crashes if the Hydro Erosion tool is used on a landscape. ...
Navmesh breaks and repeats pattern from individual landscape section when a project is updated to 4.7.2 and then build or build paths is pressed. ...
This project crashes when one Blueprint is compiled if its child Blueprint is opened in another tab. This only occurs with one Parent/Child combination: the crash occurs when compiling Building whil ...
Moving a spline mesh in the viewport causes negative values to be applied in the scene outliner actor count until the level is built again. ...
When calling a post process blendable to the screen using the CameraVectorWS input data, only the geometry is effected and not the screen space. Note I sent an email out about this issue, and it ha ...
Linux editor (and other tools) have default icons instead of proper UE4 ones. ...
The animations in the following code and blueprint templates pop upon looping SideScroller -SideScrollerRun -SideScrollerWalk SideScroller2D -RunningAnimation ThirdPerson -ThirdPersonRun -ThirdPers ...
When using the Draw Texture with the Canvas Render Target 2D as the Target within blueprints, the rendered texture will produce a black result if set to Blend Mode : Modulate. The other blend modes ...