Dowloaded 4.7.5 release from GitHub and was able to compile the UE4 Editor source code successfully. Then attempted to compile using the "UE4 - Game -Mac" filepath, but received message saying could ...
GPU particles will not take a changing input from Initial Color when using a Vector Parameter to control through a blueprint. ...
If you name an Event something like "Event Foo", overriding the event in a ChildBP gives you "Event Event Foo" To avoid this, please make Custom Event names Start with "Event" ...
After bringing the BP_LightStudio into a level and building light an error message is given. The error message says that the Skybox's UV's are overlapping. ...
When creating a C++ project in the Unreal Project Browser without a compiler installed, the following message appears with an invalid link: "No compiler was found. In order to use a C++ template, y ...
When viewing reflections in multiple viewports the reflections will differ from the original viewport. ...
UMG Widget color and Text color has different color output at UE4 editor to Mobile preview and Mobile device. ...
USER DESCRIPTION: Every time I check "Enable Drawing" in project settings, save all, close the editor then open it again -> Enable Drawing is unchecked. Why? Is there some other place when this opti ...
Using a Math Expression node, atan will generate an error as an unknown expression. Reproduced in Main Promotable-CL-2471062 [Image Removed] ...
The NavMesh creates breaks at the wrong rotation if the mesh is using collision created from outside of UE4. This is obvious in a lot of the market content with special collision created in maya/3d ...