The centerpoint for the MinimumAreaRectangle function returns the wrong value when applied. Tested in 4.21.2 (CL - 4753647), 4.22 (CL - 4958263) ...
This behavior seems to occur only for spawnable. The licensee wants the renaming behavior to be consistent. ...
Lightmass.exe SampleVolume.cpp seems to generate VolumeLightingSamples correctly. After that, import processing is performed with Lightmass.cpp ImportVolumeSamples (), but it seems that it is not i ...
Clicking and holding anywhere on the editor outside the viewport when PIE causes a crash. The AudioRendering thread throws the following assert: Assertion failed: FreeClipIndex < PlayingClipsPool_Au ...
This seems to be because the OrbitZoom of ThumbnailInfo is rewritten by ResetCamera () when the viewport is opened. Is this correct processing? ...
Before we were able to request CTRL+ALT+F11 while debugger is paused, then resuming the debugger (F5), LivePP was kicking, rebuilding before really unpausing the debugger. Now, if I want LivePP to ...
Error: C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_4.25\Engine\Source\Runtime\Core\Public\Containers/SparseArray.h(778): error C2440: '-': cannot convert from 'const TSparseArrayElementOrFreeListLink<TAlignedBy ...
We can see refraction gets distorted after we have a bigger PDO value, and it's not because the depth is more shallow, but looks like some kind of scene color texture lookup error. Also, not sure i ...