Access None errors creating log spam in user's project when he is editing the BP. This causes a gradual, but significant, increase in the Editor's memory usage. It appears to occur with a a refere ...
Tutorials window appears after selecting "Don't remind me again" when you right click the icon. See forum URL ...
Users reported seeing the line "LogUObjectGlobals:Warning: Failed to find object 'Class None.'" in the Output log after creating a project. I was able to confirm in a new blank code project without ...
Editor crashes when landscape visibility tool is used on landscape. Frequency: 2/2 Crash Reporter: [Link Removed] ...
Pins can be added to blueprint nodes during read only modes, such as PIE. ...
If you use 'launch on' for a template project, when using a Mac, The build will fail for an iOS device. Tested this issue on a Windows machine and the error does not occur. I have attached the b ...
Wires cannot be Ctrl + dragged off reroute nodes. Ctrl + clicking and dragging the wire from a pin on other nodes acts the same as Ctrl + click-dragging from the pin itself, but on Reroute nodes thi ...
Using the Show Collision console command will show collision for existing actors, but if a new actor is spawned its collision is not shown. This is problematic when trying to visually debug projecti ...
Custom events cannot be called as functions after being made in level blueprints or after changing levels. User must close and re-open editor to be able to call a custom event. ...
Compile error occurs when attempting to spawn a child blueprint from a parent blueprint. ...