Attempting to override a timeline within a child blueprint causes the editor to crash. Frequency: 4/4 Crashreporter: [Link Removed] ...
When the console command "Stereo On" is used to start a game in fullscreen, objects in the level appear with a slight blur. Pressing Alt+Enter will "refresh" the screen and eliminate the blur effec ...
Creating a new level in the content browser does not give user the choice of a default or empty level. ...
If a user moves the row editor window in a csv datatable, then saves, closes, and reopens the editor, the editor will crash if the user then attempts to select a datatable row in the csv datatable w ...
Landscape LODDistanceFactor is not applied to levels that were not loaded when it is changed. Sample content shows a landscape in this state. Other landscape properties probably suffer from this s ...
When importing tiled landscapes into the world browser, the landscape tiles appear with inverted Y axis rotations. ...
Creating a C++ project and then attempting launch on for Windows 64 causes a fatal error crash in 4.8 preview 2 binary from launcher. Project recovers from fatal error and can then package and run . ...
Drop-down selection menus will select on mouse release. This only occurs for options under "Current Asset". I was able to click a drop-down, then hold down the left mouse button and let go over "Cle ...
User reports that dragging materials into the editor from the content browser causes a hitch, followed by an ensure that. The user could not produce a crash report. Logs included Unable to reprodu ...
After some extensive testing, I could not find any reason why the material function LocalPosition node was failing to compile and defaulting to the world grid material when Packaging for HTML5. I a ...