After enabling forward shading materials with their decal response set to "normal" have incorrect shading. In the example project there are many pointlights and their specular highlight doesn't disp ...
With 4.15, I can move Foliage to "Sublevel B", but I can not move it with 4.16. It seems to be affected by the update in 4.16 (New: When moving a foliage asset to a new level, you will now be prompt ...
GPU emitter doesn't spawn particles at expected location when it is an event receiver. Also disabling Interpolate Spawning in the emitter properties affect this behavior as well, making the particle ...
When selecting "affect pivot only" and choosing "center pivot" on 56 objects in 3DS Max 2019, 4 of them imported into Datasmith as Actors and not StaticMeshActors. This makes it seemingly impossible ...
Might be a simpler repro than this, but take a look at revision 1 of PreRolledBoxes in FortniteMain to see an asset affected by this. It was duplicated from StoreRoot which had breakpoints in some o ...
The tangent of the blendshape curve seam to have the wrong scale (but correct direction) from this UDN. ...
This is Not a regression. Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL15973114 Binary - Reproduced //UE4/Release-4.27.1 CL17735300 Binary - Reproduced When adding a component to a Water Body actor it should ...
The priority display does not correctly reflect the set priorities of sounds when they are not being attenuated or when Bypass Volume Scale for Priority is Enabled. If a sound is attenuated and scal ...
Unable to bind float variables to certain properties in Widget elements. You are able to bind Structure floats if needed as a workaround. Repro Rate: 3/3 Tested this in //UE4/Release-4.27 @ CL#183 ...
This is a regression tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 GPU Lightmass ignores IES Profiles on Static Lights while building lighting. Tested with different Global Illumination and Reflection s ...