The view in a packaged HTML build will not draw the game view as the entire view space, neither in custom sized window nor fullscreen. ...
A licensee has reported that actors moved by sequencer will not update their ComponentVelocity. This is inconsistent with Matinee, where we update ComponentVelocity in UInterpTrackMove::UpdateTrack. ...
Attempting to generate abstract class from blueprint crashes editor on compile. Frequency: 4/4 ...
Packaged shipping HTML5-Mac build does does not open in Safari. The user is prompted with a missing shader cache message (see screen cap). Occurs: with Development and Sipping builds. However, wit ...
Currently, the SButton and SBorder widgets multiply the color and opacity during OnPaint before calling the super (SCompoundWidget::OnPaint). This causes the operation to be done twice, since the co ...
When spawning an actor with a media texture and then destroying the actor during runtime the game will crash several seconds later (30 - 75 seconds). Fatal error: [Link Removed] [Line: 118] A FRend ...
Macintosh implementation for HTTP requests handle If-None-Match against ETags differently than Windows implementation. ...
Selecting all actors and copying receives "Actor [name] is referenced by another Actor, do you really want to delete it?". This seems to only happen if one of the actors is referencing another actor ...
If Tick Interval is set to something non-zero, the game will freeze when Set Game Paused is called. If not manually closed through the Task Manager, this will lead to an out of memory crash. This ...
There's a pretty substantial memory leak when playing videos with WmfMedia on Windows. ...