REGRESSION: YesWORKING: 3039270 (4.12.5)BROKEN: 3082912 User is not able to use the StopRecordingAnimation command on only one actor it is recording. They are required to use StopRecordingAnimatio ...
User can not undo the adding of a constraint to a constraint profile. You can undo to the point the creation of the profile ...
When attaching a moving character, such as an AI character, to an object in the level with a negative scale, the character is constantly flipping while moving. ...
When a particle system has the "Set Tickable when Paused" set to true, pausing the packaged version of the game causes the game to crash. CrashReporter: [Link Removed] ...
UGameplayStatics::SpawnEmitterAttached will keep relative position when using SnapToTarget. ... Licensee was seeing this only on this device: SM-G906S Android 5.0.1 Adding glFlush call in CaptureSceneToS ...
Export Sequence camera has incorrect tangents ...
Movable/Stationary dynamic shadow distance in the Directional light is not captured in the Planar Reflection. Note that Point and Spot Lights box cast shadows that can be rendered in the reflection ...
It has been observed that crash handler can now corrupt memory during __cxa_demangle (from libc++). Repro steps listed here are just one of possible ways to trigger it, very similar crashes have bee ...