This is regression from 4.10 functionality. When assigning the Android Back Button functionality in a GearVR project, the back button will now bring up the Oculus Home Screen asking if you would lik ...
When reimporting a static mesh settings that have been changed in the Static Mesh Editor will be reset to the defaults. ...
A crash occurs when attempting to save a level after building static lighting for a large landscape. I was originally investigating a memory leak issue with landscapes, and the user provided the pa ...
From User Bug Submission: When an actor/component (e. g. a camera) rotates around another object using the rotation lag of USpringArmComponent, it cannot rotate to the top or the bottom. At these ...
When using a curve table on android it appears that keys with duplicate values are removed. Link: [Link Removed] ...
When Use mouse for touch is enabled, the button fires onreleased event. Here is what I investigated. Use mouse for touch enables gesture action in the button that leads to LongPress gesture fires ...
FCEFWebBrowserWindow::OnKeyDown() InternalCefBrowser->GetHost()->SendKeyEvent(KeyEvent); is processed on the UE4 GameThread, inside the Chromium Embedded Framework (CEF) it appears to call a syst ...
If the level has hidden sublevels, the regenerated navmesh result appears to have a hidden sublevel mesh placed at the origin. Apparently, the reason is that bNavigationRelevant is no longer consid ...
You can use the "Spawn Emitter Attached" function as a work around ...
Creating a theme is undone when restarting the editor. The .json file seems to become disassociated from the editor, the theme is reset back to the previous theme, and the new theme isn't available ...