When running project on iOS Devices, IsRunningGame( ) in CoreMisc.h returns false. ...
Concerning the UI, in most cases clicking on the magnifying glass will navigate to the selected asset in the Content Browser. Clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Parent Socket field result ...
There are instances where HLODs will either generate a lightmap but not assign it to the correct Lightmap Coordinate index from the target lightmap setting in the HLOD outliner or the Lightmap will ...
'Emissive for Static Lighting' discarded when restarting or re-opening a project. I discovered this issue while testing [Link Removed]. This issue does not occur in the binary 4.11 release so I hav ...
If FObjectFinder is used in a function other than the constructor, which should not be done, it causes a crash. ...
If a static object has 'Use Complex collision as simple' set as its collision type, it'll collide with a player but will not collide with objects that are dynamically simulating physics. ...
Major performance drop with instanced meshes since PhysX 3.4 upgrade Regression: YES Worked: 3172292 (4.13.2) Broken: 3249277 (4.14.3) For me, my results were: 4.8 through 4.13 No Collision - ...
When subtracting two date time sets to find the time span between them, the results are inconsistent. The results given give the total number of the unit measured for the time elapsed were as others ...
When exporting a .raw file heightmap using the Copy/Paste tool, the file produced has a greyscale and pixelated result. ...
There is an issue when importing FBX that creates new materials when using the search materials import setting. Instead of being able to use the material that is in the Base Material name, the textu ...