Lumen generates a gradated shading even if objects are lit by a 360-degree constant sky light.[Link Removed][Link Removed] I looked into this and found that this comes from Spherical Harmonics int ...
When generating a random number using FMath::RandHelper() in the constructor of an actor, attempting to print that same number on BeginPlay returns a different value than the constructor. However, ...
A crash occurs when breaking a level instance contained in a data layer. This does not occur in 5.0.3, however the behaviors of Data Layers are different in 5.1 where the Data Layer asset is added ...
In UGameInstance::StartPlayInEditorGameInstance, the server instance will go through the normal process of creating the URL using BuildPlayWorldURL, which checks the FGameInstancePIEParameters' bSta ...
If a VR headset is connected, it will be used for Y axis camera input in PIE if you have switched to and from the Landscape tab in the Modes panel. You can fix this temporarily by reopening the edit ...
This is a common Mac crash that has been occurring since 4.15. It shares the same callstack with [Link Removed], but that was verified fixed for 4.16.0, while this crash still continues into 4.16. ...
Ctrl+Dragging multiple pins at once will sometimes drop pins This is a regression. The same setup was working in 4.12.5, but isn't working in 4.13.1 & Main (4.14) User Description: Blueprint conn ...
When Using mobile preview in the 4.7 preview build, or in the changelist provided, Dyanmic lighting is not showing shadows when changed to movable. Following the steps below, you will see no shado ...
First person template project is struggling to run on Firefox 32-bit Version 52.0.1 and eventually throws an "uncaught exception: out of memory" error. Occurs in both BP and C++ projects. May be a ...
This is an issue related to the behavior of the FlushPressedKeys function when called manually while a button is held. Once the function is called in C++, a Pressed event gets triggered even though ...