When running a standalone build, focus navigation doesn't work on widgets within a world-space widget component. This may be fallout from [Link Removed], which parented the widget component's virtua ...
The GetCookedEnvelopeData Blueprint node does not output cooked audio envelope data when a Soundwave with enabled Amplitude Envelope Analysis is being played. Tested in 4.21 (CL - 4753647), 4.22.3 ...
This is a regression from 4.23.1 (CL-9631420) where Sequencer just displayed the re-attached binding in yellow text instead of crashing. The user suggests that the deleted actor should be removed fr ...
When calling the ServerTravel command when using seamless travel, level blueprint logic is not being run on the client side. NOTE: Adding a small delay (tested with .2 to 2 seconds) after the "B ...
Screen Space Global Illumination appears really dark when using the Vulkan RHI on Windows and Linux. This behavior is also present in a Shipping build. This was reported and tested on 4.24.1 (CL-1 ...
The left menu button on Oculus Touch doesn't have it's input received when it is assigned to an action mapping. This looks like it stopped working after SteamVR was integrated into the engine. Foun ...
Copy/pasting cloth configs used to be possible in 4.23. It then got broken in 4.24 (crash) with the introduction of changes required for the new physics engine. In 4.25, the config evolved to a Map ...
Adding an Event Dispatcher to the Level Blueprint and then renaming the initial graph node within that Event Dispatcher prevents deletion from that point forward. Renaming the Event Dispatcher from ...
When using Select All, the children are selected as well. When you move the actors, the children begin to move at different rates than the rest of the actors, resulting in them being offset when you ...
When adding a Control Rig asset to a level, choosing one of the orthographic views, and then drag selecting any part of the level, the editor crashes. This does not occur if you drag select in the p ...