Crouching/Uncrouching while standing on a physics object will cause the object to behave erratically. Even if the CharacterMovement component has Physics Interaction disabled, it will still effect t ...
When creating a pose asset based on an animation and curves with a low number of keyframes if you switch between the pose assets poses, the curves will not be correctly timed with the animation beca ...
When attempting to apply torque to a ragdolled skeletal mesh, nothing happens, regardless of the value used. Applying an impulse works as expected, but adding torque seems to have no effect. Found ...
When using source control and attempting to sync the project, sometimes assets are not updated to the latest changes properly. This causes changes made to those assets later to override previous ch ...
This is a trending crash coming out of the 4.17 release. Update: also occurring in 4.18 User DescriptionsCompiled after Refreshing Blueprint node after changine its namePressed compile after creat ...
Scale boxes renders incorrectly when rendered with the Movie Render Queue. Scale box seems to work fine in a normal viewport and normal Sequence render. UDN: ...
When importing a file from Blender, UE creates the correct number of materials, but the number of textures is incorrect and is being overwritten, and not importing the correct amount. Tested and re ...
This is a regression. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.27 CL#18319896 Changes to a Custom Primitive Data are not reflected in Android Preview or Android Vulkan. Using Set Custom Primitive Data Float node ...
When we create curves on additive animations, we are creating a curve based on whether the curve exists in either the base or additive pose. This wouldn't be the expected behaviour for a user when ...
Context / Problem: Complex static mesh actors with nanite enabled and Evaluate World Position Offset (WPO) enabled works together except for a specific distance where the shadow is deformed and sort ...