Memory leaks at changing lighting scenarios

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 26, 2020

The engine does not free the LevelRenderAssetManagers array elements in FRenderAssetStreamingManager when changing lighting scenarios. Following code can avoid this issue. void FRenderAssetStre ...

Rotation gizmo continues to move when snapping is disabled

UE - Editor - Workflow Systems - Aug 25, 2020

When snapping is disabled, the rotation gizmo never seems to stabilize. Continuing to hold the mouse down, even with no movement, will result in the rotation amount to continue changing by small amo ...

Preview Scene - Lighting Rig Rotation rotates Environment Map and Directional Light in opposite directions

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 25, 2020

When previewing an object, manually changing the rotation using the Lighting Rig Rotation rotates Environment Map and Directional Light in opposite directions. This bug makes it difficult to do look ...

Preview Scene - Lighting angle changes between Profiles

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 25, 2020

When previewing an object, the lighting angles change between profiles; the lighting position at '0' will also change when the Lighting Rig Rotation is set to another value, then back to 0 again.  ...

Unfocused Standalone window has reduced performance

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 25, 2020

User description: When I run two windowed standalone instances to test multiplayer, the unfocused window gets about 2-5 fps...but if I focus on it, smooth 120fps, yet the opposite screen is now onl ...

Painted Vertex colors are not retained when using "Convert Selection to Blueprint Class" in Child Actor mode

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 25, 2020

From the User Submission: I spent some time poking through the FComponentInstanceDataCache code and noticed that there is no component instance data saved/applied for'native' component types, so si ...

ObjectScale node in the material editor does not work with decals

UE - Graphics Features - Aug 19, 2020

The ObjectScale node does not output the correct values in the material editor. This method works to tile images with a Surface Material Domain on a basic plane, but does not work when using it with ...

Merged actors cannnot cast shadows when source actors Cast Shadows is disabled

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Aug 19, 2020

Merging actors with cast shadows disabled causes the merged actor to be unable to cast shadows at all. Toggling the Cast Shadows option does not resolve the issue. This is seen in //UE4/Release-4.2 ...

Creating a new TextureRenderTarget2D Asset has the sRGB flag

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Aug 17, 2020

The sRGB flag is check and set in PostEdit, so when I editing the asset will be correct. And I'm checking again with RHI, so there seems to be no drawing problem.[Link Removed] It seems to be corre ...

Assets are not discoverable after re-adding Feature Pack to project

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Content Browser - Aug 11, 2020

.uasset files that were deleted then re-added to the Content Browser are not properly discovered and added to the explorer. I have confirmed these assets are still on disk within Windows Explorer. T ...