iOS Device Orientations Inverted

UE - Platform - Mobile - Jul 2, 2020

The EDeviceScreenOrientation landscape values appear to be inverted on iOS based on the comments in the code. i.e.EDeviceScreenOrientation::LandscapeRight // The orientation is landscape with the h ...

VFInitRotation(Cascade) always provides the same rotation

UE - Niagara - Jun 30, 2020

This problem caused by incorrect initialization of RandomStream in the GPU particle. //PaticleGpuSimulation.cpp virtual void Init() override { ... check(AllocatedTiles.Num() == TileTimeOfDe ...

FUniqueNetIdRepl::NetSerialize() crashes when embedded in a TArray() of structs.

UE - Networking - Jun 29, 2020

Calling the NetSerialize() function of FUniqueNetIdRepl from a custom NetSerialize() causes a crash. This only seems to occur when the struct is part of an array RPC parameter. ...

Second controller input doesn't work in fullscreen mode on PIE.

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Jun 29, 2020

When two controllers connected, player2 input is disabled in full screen mode in PIE. This doesn't appear to be in focus. If seeing the any focusing widget, player1 focused on SViewport, but player ...

When changing the size of detail panel for animation state in Animation Blueprint diff tool, GetSelectedProfileName will occur crash

OLD - Anim - Jun 24, 2020

When trying to display BlendProfile property in Animation Blueprint diff tool, it will occur crash, because EditableSkeleton is null in SBlendProfilePicker::GetSelectedProfileName(). So, a followin ...

Setting the Collision Response of an instanced actor through the Details panel overrides the Construction Script setting

UE - Simulation - Physics - Jun 23, 2020

The collision response of an actor can be changed through the Details panel of the instanced actor and this overrides the collision response settings that were set through the Construction Script. ...

Get Class Defaults node will not keep pins visible after compile if connected to a reroute node

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 23, 2020

If the Get Class Defaults node is connected to a reroute node, compiling the blueprint will hide all the pins on the node. ...

Particles can flicker at the end of first emitter loop when interpolated spawning is enabled

UE - Niagara - Jun 18, 2020

Particles flicker at the end of first emitter loop when interpolated spawning is enabled This issue does not occur if interpolated spawning is disabled. This issue does not occur for any of the su ...

Naming an enum parameter on a blueprint function "Category" places the function in a category

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint Editor - Jun 17, 2020

If the user gives an enum parameter in a blueprint function the name "Category", this will result in the function being added to a category in the My Blueprint panel. ...

SBasePoseViewport should use ExtendedBounds, not ImportedBounds

UE - Anim - Rigging - Jun 16, 2020

In accordance with CL-9139422 of [Link Removed], the SkeletalMesh ImportedBounds does not have an Extend operation. However, SBasePoseViewport, the UI for retagettes, continues to use ImportedBounds ...