Unfocused Standalone window has reduced performance

UE - Rendering Architecture - RHI - Aug 25, 2020

User description: When I run two windowed standalone instances to test multiplayer, the unfocused window gets about 2-5 fps...but if I focus on it, smooth 120fps, yet the opposite screen is now onl ...

Painted Vertex colors are not retained when using "Convert Selection to Blueprint Class" in Child Actor mode

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Aug 25, 2020

From the User Submission: I spent some time poking through the FComponentInstanceDataCache code and noticed that there is no component instance data saved/applied for'native' component types, so si ...

Niagara Parameter Collection Overrides aren't working

UE - Niagara - Aug 20, 2020

Parameter collection overrides defined in the Niagara system's System Properties do not work. In FNiagaraSystemSimulation::GetParameterCollectionInstance the return value of GetParameterCollectionO ...

RetainerBox may cause memory leak

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Slate - Aug 20, 2020

Essentially, this memory leak should be counted in the UI section, but it is counted in the SceneRender section. This seems to be due to the behavior of MemStackAllocator and FixedSizeAllocator. Th ...

Merged actors cannnot cast shadows when source actors Cast Shadows is disabled

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - Merge Actor - Aug 19, 2020

Merging actors with cast shadows disabled causes the merged actor to be unable to cast shadows at all. Toggling the Cast Shadows option does not resolve the issue. This is seen in //UE4/Release-4.2 ...

Niagara Particles do not respond to Set World Origin Location

UE - Niagara - Aug 17, 2020

Setting the world origin will not update existing Niagara particles. ...

Crash on Mac on exit.

Media Framework - Aug 17, 2020

A licensee reported trouble with a crash on exit on Mac. They discovered that the file AvfMediaPlayer.cpp, on the function Open there is this piece of code:// Force the AV player to not be able to ...

Creating a new TextureRenderTarget2D Asset has the sRGB flag

UE - Virtual Production - Rendering - Aug 17, 2020

The sRGB flag is check and set in PostEdit, so when I editing the asset will be correct. And I'm checking again with RHI, so there seems to be no drawing problem.[Link Removed] It seems to be corre ...

Adding an actor with a default property track immediately after opening a sequence will crash the editor

UE - Anim - Sequencer - Aug 14, 2020

If an actor has default property tracks set up in the Project Settings, adding that actor to a level sequence through C++ will crash the editor. This seems to stem from the creation of the default p ...