This is a bug that can make it confusing for users (and internal devs) to make custom nodes related to enums. This is occuring because the PC_Enum type was added after the original PC_Byte but ...
The "untracked" metadata field turns off tracking of soft object references so they will not appear in the content browser or modify things like cooking rules. It works fine on individual references ...
Saving a map will always resave the map's BuiltData, even if the BuiltData hasn't been marked dirty. Changes were made to avoid marking it dirty for [Link Removed], but the call to SaveWorld in FEdi ...
Color space conversion in the UI composition is incorrect on DX12 HDR. In the main() function In CompositeUIPixelShader.usf, you can see the following color space transform.// sRGB -> RRT -> ODT ...
When you package a project via the editor, it updates the ProjectPackagingSettings to set the StagingDirectory to the specific one chosen by the user. However, it saves this path as an absolute path ...
When pressing the Open Marketplace button in UE5 or the Marketplace button in UE4, nothing happens. This occurs in both UE5 Early Access and UE4 4.26.2. Tested in //UE4/Release-4.25 @ CL 14469661 ...
When creating a blueprint component based off of a custom native class that utilizes the ClassGroup metadata ...
Check encountered by CloudChamber. Slack thread: [Link Removed] ...
Hit this when I made a blueprint and Subscribed to ALL quantization events instead of the one I was interested it and tried to use all of them as my Quantization Boundary. The alt title of this bug ...