Editor crashes when attempting to press tab while editing transform values in structs

Tools - Dec 23, 2014

Editor crashes if a user presses tab while editing transform values in a blueprint struct. Note: This only occurs while editing transform variables, no other var causes this crash. Logs and Dump f ...

Custom Events can't be called after changing level blueprint or switching maps

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 23, 2014

Custom events cannot be called as functions after being made in level blueprints or after changing levels. User must close and re-open editor to be able to call a custom event. ...

OnComponentEndOverlap and GetOverlappingActors are not in sync

UE - Gameplay - Dec 23, 2014

GetOverlappingActors will return a value when used immediately after OnComponentEndOverlap. Putting a delay after the OnComponentEndOverlap call will result in GetOverlappingActors to return null, s ...

Opening a Sprite that is already opened in Property Matrix closes the Property Matrix tab

Tools - Dec 22, 2014

Opening a Sprite that is already opened in Property Matrix closes the Property Matrix tab. This is inconsistent with other asset types; tested with Textures, Materials, and Blueprints, and in each c ...

A newly added BlueprintImplementableEvent no longer appears in the context search menu of an Event Graph if a Hot Recompile was performed after the event was added in code.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 19, 2014

Performing a Hot Recompile in the Editor after adding a BlueprintImplementableEvent to code class does not have the new event added to the right-click context search window in the Event Graph of a B ...

Spawn Actor from Class does not compile correctly when calling a child blueprint from a parent blueprint

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 19, 2014

Compile error occurs when attempting to spawn a child blueprint from a parent blueprint. ...

Infinite loop error message does not help and spawns too many messages

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Dec 17, 2014

The infinite loop reporter is reporting every infinite loop by popping up a window for each problem loop. So if you have an actor with 3 loops that trigger the infinite loop error and then you have ...

Loops don't work with SimpleParallel BT composite node

UE - AI - Dec 16, 2014

Loop decorators don't work with SimpleParallel BT composite node. We need to either fix it, or if we remove support for it restrict users from putting these decorators on SimpleParallel's children. ...

Combo box widget becomes cut off when placed at the bottom of the screen

UE - Editor - UI Systems - Dec 15, 2014

When a combo box is placed at the bottom of the screen and the project is not in fullscreen mode the contents of the box will be clipped by the bottom of the window. ...

unusual occlusions when taking high-res screenshots

UE - Graphics Features - Dec 15, 2014

Unusual ghosted images/occlusions appear on highres screenshots ...