User reports that the reason for the crash is that because UpdateSpline is false on the AddSplinePointAtIndex blueprint node, this line is never called [ReparamTable.Points.Reset(NumSegments * Repar ...
Looks like there's a missing if/else pair in BodyInstance.cpp ...
Checking Override Attenuation in Details < Audio Component < Attenuation disables settings that further adjust the Attenuation. Such as: Attenuation Air Absorption, Attenuation Listener Focus, Atte ...
Binary (Installed Build)//UE5/Release-5.1 @CL22986940 I encountered this same crash when creating a landscape twice, but was not able to consistently reproduce it with those steps. I figured out th ...
(Enduring Games) I investigated it and found that the following primitive data flag test in BasePassPixelShader.usf fails: (GetPrimitiveData(MaterialParameters).Flags & PRIMITIVE_SCENE_DATA_FLAG_DE ...
When a Niagara System has SimTarget set to GPUCompute Sim, CameraQuery is only returning data from the Player0 camera, regardless of PlayerControllerIndex. The expected behavior would be to have the ...
paint layers do not take effect on all tiled layers that have a material incorporated if a user attempts to paint on them from the persistent level. ...
A licensee has reported a crash when re-importing a mesh being used within a Mesh Particle system. Regression? Yes, this crash does not occur in the 4.11.2 binary release. Link to Crash Logs: [Lin ...
Regression: Tested in UE5/Release-5.0, this issue also occurs meaning regression is no. The Niagara System appears to jitter whenever a force is applied after the Rotate Around Point module. If the ...
Using OnRep_StaticMesh() in code or using the Set Static Mesh node does not replicate across server/client in game. ...