A crash is occurring in this users project when you open one of the Room Blueprints in the users project. Unable to recreate unless using the users project. Crash Reporter: [Link Removed][Link Re ...
After creating a class in VS and creating a blueprint based on the class. Setting the actor variable in the BP's defaults tab does not save the setting. Instead it will show as none when trying to ...
If ten or more of the same actor in a level have the "replicate movement" checkbox set to true, the editor will crash on PIE if the number of players is set to 2 (or with 1/2/3 players if dedicated ...
When using a DM that has Crumble Smallest and Impact damage enabled there will be instances where the residual mesh before fracture is left behind. What appears to happen is there is a force large e ...
Moving a folder to another location will change it's set color to default, however if you move the folder to it's original location, the color returns. ...
When using subtitles for a sound wave the subtitles are duplicates once for every Subtitles element in the settings for the sound wave. An image is attached for reference. ...
FAssetTypeActions_Font::ExecuteReimport is using Object->FontCacheType != EFontCacheType::Offline which means it will ignore reimporting offline cached fonts, however offline cached fonts are the on ...
Line Trace's chained together into a ricochet do not work on all normal directions. They seem to fire inside of the object. The blueprint setup in screenshot #2 is in the MyCharacter bp. ...
In the Animgraph of an AnimBlueprint, Using Custom Blend Logic results in the "Frames to Cache Pose" field being duplicated if "Delayed Freeze" is selected. However, if "Standard" or "Freeze" is s ...
When you deploy the First Person Template to a mobile device, the sun will appear badly rendered or not rendered at all. Tested on iPhone5S, iPad Air, GalaxyS3 Mail, Nexus 6, iPad Air 2, Nexus 5, G ...