A crash is occurring in a packaged game after populating a data table and using it to populate the GameplayTagTableList, as well as having a blueprint that contains a gameplay tag variable. This c ...
If you create a parameter collection node in a material and select a parameter from the drop down and then copy and paste that node a _1 will be appended to the end of the parameter collection varia ...
After enabling forward shading materials with their decal response set to "normal" have incorrect shading. In the example project there are many pointlights and their specular highlight doesn't disp ...
After enabling forward shading and disabling "Support Stationary Skylight" opening a static mesh in the static mesh editor will crash the engine. REGRESSION? Yes Crash Did NOT occur in 4.15.1 CL ...
Placing a rect light in between two static meshes causes the surface to be extremely bright. This will happen even though the lights settings are default. It will not happen if it is lighting just a ...
If you have a sub level with "Initially Loaded" set to true and "Initially Visible" set to false it will crash after exiting PIE. This issue was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). It has ...
GPU emitter doesn't spawn particles at expected location when it is an event receiver. Also disabling Interpolate Spawning in the emitter properties affect this behavior as well, making the particle ...
UCanvasPanelSlot::PostEditChangeChainProperty not only does not call its Super function unless the anchor node has been set, but it calls Super:: PostEditChangeProperty instead PostEditChainProperty ...
When using the UE4 Editor with Vulkan there is a slight lag when navigating through the menu options. This lag is not present when launching with OpenGL nor is it present on Windows with -vulkan. ...
When selecting "affect pivot only" and choosing "center pivot" on 56 objects in 3DS Max 2019, 4 of them imported into Datasmith as Actors and not StaticMeshActors. This makes it seemingly impossible ...