Issues observed: - When bRenderStatic is on and bNoSkeletonUpdate is off, CachedMeshDrawCommands takes a significant chunk of time, because the scene primitive transform is being updated every fra ...
We are having a display issue with tiled landscapes displaying well below full tessellation in editor, but displaying fine in game. We can "fix" this issu by unchecking "Use Default Falloff" in deta ...
Attempting to set the collision of a component to NoCollision while the actor's collision is disabled will prevent the component's collision from changing. This is because of the early exit in UPrim ...
Material cropping in 3DS Max doesn't seem to translate well into Datasmith when they are used in the same bitmap. This was reported and tested in 4.24.3 (CL-11590370). This was reproduced in 4.23.1 ...
Landscapes created with Import Tiled Landscape are loaded at the World Origin when loaded in a level without World Composition enabled. Enabling World Composition in the second level fixes this iss ...
ShooterGame demonstrates the issue where when encryption is enabled, if the (unencrypted) EncryptionAck message is dropped, the resent messages will be encrypted since the server has enabled encrypt ...
[SM5] /Engine/Private/VolumetricCloud.usf(118,33-53): error X3018: invalid subscript 'VertexId' This is happening in VolumetricCloud.usf, but it seems that I can avoid the error by adding the follow ...
This is not a regression. Tested in //UE5/Release-5.0 CL 20979098 Building Packed Level Actors causes references to break in the Packed level Actors' Blueprints. Rerunning the Build > Pack Level Ac ...
User reports of stack overflow happening in canRemoveVertex in DetourTileCacheBuilder.cpp if a poly has more than 16 vertices. The array for edges is a fixed array and is written to without checking ...
This issue is related to [Link Removed] (which was fixed). However if the user creates a new actor and then adds a static mesh they can end up with permanent holes in their nav mesh. If the user tog ...