Licensee has 4 Services that aren't being initialized with their respective Tasks when they Plays in Editor. If the Behavior Tree is opened first, the warnings do not appear. All 4 of the Services h ...
Placing a rect light in between two static meshes causes the surface to be extremely bright. This will happen even though the lights settings are default. It will not happen if it is lighting just a ...
If you have a sub level with "Initially Loaded" set to true and "Initially Visible" set to false it will crash after exiting PIE. This issue was reported and tested in 4.20.1 (CL-4233996). It has ...
UCanvasPanelSlot::PostEditChangeChainProperty not only does not call its Super function unless the anchor node has been set, but it calls Super:: PostEditChangeProperty instead PostEditChainProperty ...
When using the UE4 Editor with Vulkan there is a slight lag when navigating through the menu options. This lag is not present when launching with OpenGL nor is it present on Windows with -vulkan. ...
In previous versions of the engine (4.21), 10 MipMaps are generated with the above repro steps. Starting from 4.22 and CLs above the editor only produces 1 MipMap with the above texture settings. T ...
When trying to use any "Make Struct" node that uses vector values, the values typed into FVector fields will reset to 0. This is a regression from 4.21.2 (CL-4753647). This reported and tested in ...
Packaging a project having a skeletal mesh with a niagara system attached to it in the scene causes the build to crash when running the executable. I have attached the log and dmp files relevant t ...
The editor grid will zfight with meshes that intersect the grid in the 3d viewport. Creates and unpleasant experience while working with the grid turned on. Repro: 1. Launch Editor 2. create new ...