If a person is on the Shooter Game level Highrse and uses the blueprint node "Execute Console Command" to server travel to any other level the editor will crash. In PIE mode the editor will hang at ...
Any active events fire at frame 0 when the sequence loops ...
If the Runtime Mesh Component is installed in the 4.14 Binary Engine, upgrading a copy of a code project from 4.14 to 4.15, even if it does not use that plugin, will result in the upgrade process ha ...
Crash copying a Static Meshes primitive collision member and pasting it on another element. The pasted element seems to need at least 2 members for the crash to occur. User description: Editor Cr ...
When a layered control rig track is added to the sequencer the character’s legs will collapse into the body of the character. Switching the layer to additive will do nothing. Trying to force the ani ...
When a property of a ChildActorComponent is modified in a child class, the parent ChildActorComponent class can also get modified. This happens when the Parent blueprint actor has a ChildActorCompo ...
ExponentialHeightFog does not render for Gear VR devices when both the device and project are set for Gear VR. However, the fog does appear on a project without Gear VR enabled. Occurs On: GalaxyS6 ...
While other inputs are set up for the Character BluePrint, the inputs for Jump are missing so that, even if the user enters Action Mappings for jump under project settings, the character may play t ...
Placing a character that reference to a reparented AnimBP(created as a child of thirdperson, then reparented to AnimInstance) crashes editor after reopening the project. If you already had that charac ...
Animation Sequences with negative Rate Scales do not play outside of using them in Animation Blueprints...unless they are looping. UPDATE: A negative rate scale value also breaks Anim Montages. ht ...