There are instances where some texture files cannot be exported from the editor. In this older post a user had reported this with the file T_Sky_Blue from the engine folder. Only this file has been ...
Same issue as in [Link Removed], only this is a different node implementation that attempts to replicate similar behavior. There are a couple differences in behavior here though; notably, that the c ...
DESCRIPTION: When using a DM in blueprints and setting the linear dampening in the event graph the DM will honor the linear dampening but the chunks as they break off will not. Setting the mesh to ...
When a Sound Wave is set on a referenced node, and that node is used in composition, the Sound Wave will cut out after some time. This does not occur if the reference node uses an Input node for the ...
Cannot set the Rotation value of an Instance Static Mesh component if the scale is set to zero. This can be done with StaticMesh components and standard Static Meshes in the level. ...
Reported from Prismatic: It appears that the Add Mapping Context function currently prioritizes low numbers over high numbers, which seems inconsistent with the function description and some parts ...
When an actor has a blueprintable struct that contains a reference to an actor component and that component is created default in the actor's constructor, the struct and the component will be unedit ...
A GameplayTagQuery in an ActorComponent cannot be properly edited on instances of an actor with said component. There is a workaround, but the issue makes editing Tag Queries rather annoying, doubl ...
When a reflection capture is unloaded due to streaming, it cannot be reloaded when the player returns to that area in the world because FReflectionCaptureData::OnDataUploadedToGPUFinal deletes the C ...
UGeometryCollectionComponent::EventDispatcher gets registered for events twice, once in UGeometryCollectionComponent::RegisterForEvents() and again in UChaosGameplayEventDispatcher::OnRegister(). Th ...