Import the attached speedtree asset. The material view will be glitched. Disabling the world position offset input and reenabling seems to help. This issue did not occur in 4.10.4 and does not occu ...
Distance Field Ambient Occlusion does not render in VR. I mentioned to the user reporting this issue, that using DFAO is more than likely disabled by default due to the baseline cost of using the ' ...
Collision does not appear to work in a packaged game after nativizing child assets. Collision appears to change in a package project after setting Nativize assets to Inclusive. ...
UE4Editor crashes when closing on the Ubuntu 14.04 machine. I do not see this issue on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine. ...
RenderDoc plugin settings will be reset on project restart. Saved\Config\Windows\RenderDocPlugin.ini does get created, but values from the ini file do not seem to get loaded. ...
A model's Capsule Indirect Shadow is visible in Game View, even when a model has "Actor Hidden in Game" enabled. The shadow does not get displayed in PIE. ...
It looks like the change to remove the configuration lock may have changed this behavior, too. It's important to set the configuration to Shipping because otherwise users will ship games accidental ...
A licensee reported that the Player Collision viewmode is not properly showing collision for Instanced Static Meshes. Is there a change they can make to display this collision as well? [Image Rem ...
Sound cue is looping when stopped on top of the landscape. ...