Editor Freezes after the user attempts to set a NewSpriteAtlasGroup to an imported sprite

UE - Editor - Content Pipeline - Apr 19, 2023

By setting an Atlas Group to a newly created sprite, the editor freezes. This feature is most important, even if this issue can only be reproduced by a minority of users. Repro rate: 5/5 Notes:No ...

Replicated components spawned by CreateComponentOnInstance are broken by object reuse

UE - Gameplay - Apr 5, 2023

When the gameplay framework component manager creates components as part of CreateComponentOnInstance, it passes in the requested class name as the literal name of the component instead of using the ...

Stop using power of 2 RTs for landscape edit layers

UE - LD & Modeling - Terrain - Landscape - Apr 4, 2023

Result : all the RTs allocated for edit layers (in global merge mode) will be padded to the next power of 2 for no good reason, which can lead to out-of-VRAM (as reported by [Link Removed]) ...

Instigator is not set properly in Lyra health change callbacks

UE - Content - Sample - Mar 17, 2023

LyraHealthComponent has an OnHealthChanged callback that is executed whenever a character takes damage. One of the parameters is Instigator, but that is never set properly in the current version of ...

Game feature plugins do not unregister absolute scan paths on removal

UE - Gameplay - Mar 16, 2023

The GameFeatureData asset used by the game features subsystem supports defining extra paths to scan for asset manager assets specific to that plugin. Originally this system only supported relative p ...

AStaticMeshActor::CheckForErrors doesn't detect overlapping actors in some circumstances

UE - Simulation - Physics - Mar 14, 2023

Licensee reports that overlapping actors not detected when the static mesh pivot doesn't coincide with actual geometry, e.g. between a character's legs. Maybe should do a bounding box check instead ...

AssetManager: PrimaryAssets: Allow PrimaryAssetTypesToScan entries to be extended from plugins to add directories

UE - Foundation - Core - Cooker - Feb 23, 2023

Game.ini:[/Script/Engine/AssetManagerSettings]:PrimaryAssetTypes is an ini setting to specify which PrimaryAssets should be used by the engine during cook to specify which packages gets cooked and w ...