Editor Performance drops when removing frames from animations with curve keys Regression: No, removing frames on animations with curves had a chance to crash the editor in 4.11, which doesn't happ ...
If a custom class named Vehicle is used as the base of a blueprint, closing and reopening the editor prevents the blueprint from being opened. The editor reports that the derived class is invalid. ...
After creating a plugin in using the New Plugin button in the editor the project will fail to compile. ...
The Move Directly Toward task does not seem to be working without a Nav Mesh in the level. Based on the tooltip "moves directly to the target without regard to any navigation system", it is expected ...
When you attempt to open a widget blueprint when you have hidden the animation and timeline panels, the editor will crash. There is a workaround: Window->Reset Layout will allow you to open the blu ...
Using a lower fixed frame rate (i.e. 20fps) causes the auto save timer (when set to the default of 10) to count down in 3 seconds. Found in 4.10 Preview 2 CL 2733139. Reproduced in 4.9.2 binary an ...
Using the "Automatic" option to compress animation results in crash 100% in UE4.10 but does not occur in UE4.9.2. *Regression ...
I was unable to test this due to not having provisions available to test on for tvOS distribution. However, we have reports of the following error: "PackagingResults:Error: Error Provision not foun ...
Blueprints with a Destructible Mesh component cannot have the mesh changed via the level details panel. It will not accept any new mesh via selection or dragged onto the slot. The Blueprint itself e ...
This looks like a thread safety bug that's been in the clothing system for a very long time. Essentially a skeletal mesh component does a transform update and attempts to update the collisions of a ...