Changes done to BTDecorator_Blueprint result in users not being able to upgrade their BP-implemented decorators to 4.7. ...
After creating a new HUD blueprint class and calling it to render a translucent material, the material does not render at all. This is not the case with any other Blend Mode when called to render to ...
Attached project exposes memory leak in editor. Cause is not known but increases memory very quickly when running PIE. The amount of memory used does not return to normal after closing PIE and each ...
The Command "StartFPSChart" references an "EndFPSChart" which is not recognized and should reference "StopFPSChart" ...
Perspective and Orthographic views render differently. Ortho views use a tonemapper with no gamma. ...
Using the console command ProfileGPU while the Oculus DK2 is plugged in will cause Standalone game to crash. The editor however will not crash, just the Standalone game. ...
Moving an Actor using the Transform controls in the Details panel with Realtime disabled leaves the Widget in its initial location. Clicking off the Actor and then selecting it again restores the ...
SimpleMoveTo does not work on Clients. ...
Built Lighting with Tilemap in ViewportSaved Paper2D Project after editing blueprint graph Building lighting with a non-empty Tilemap causes crash. The editor builds fine with an empty Tilemap howeve ...