Hit this when I made a blueprint and Subscribed to ALL quantization events instead of the one I was interested it and tried to use all of them as my Quantization Boundary. The alt title of this bug ...
We should get to the bottom of this workaround and revert it eventually. Reported here: [Link Removed] ...
When landscape splines exist in a WP level, LandscapeSplineMeshesActor instances are created to allow streaming of splines. In a non-WP level, splines are components of the landscape actor. When a W ...
It is possible for a class that implements IPreLoadScreen to leak memory if GetPreLoadScreenType returns EngineLoadingScreen and IsDone returns true before the engine signals loading is completed vi ...
If a skeletal mesh component is has SetTickableWhenPaused set to true then the editor will crash when the game is paused. This happens when set in blueprint or code. ...
Using the MakeEditWidget specifier inside a UPROPERTY macro and creating a blueprint based on the class will show the translation gizmo inside the main editor viewport but the gizmo will not show up ...
If two code components have the same TEXT("") name in the CreateDefaultSubobject call the code will compile correctly but the editor will freeze when adding an instance of the class or classBP to th ...
Cannot bind event dispatchers between two blueprints that share a parent class. This issue also occurs if you use the parent as a variable in the child. The bind event dispatcher seems to only take ...
Sprites using a lit material render black in Orthographic views. Sprites are rendered as expected in Perspective view. ...
Spawning a bp, setting the location, and simulating physics in one string will cause the Set Actor Location node to be ignored User Description: One is if you spawn a physics actor which has simu ...