After enabling forward shading materials with their decal response set to "normal" have incorrect shading. In the example project there are many pointlights and their specular highlight doesn't disp ...
With 4.15, I can move Foliage to "Sublevel B", but I can not move it with 4.16. It seems to be affected by the update in 4.16 (New: When moving a foliage asset to a new level, you will now be prompt ...
GPU emitter doesn't spawn particles at expected location when it is an event receiver. Also disabling Interpolate Spawning in the emitter properties affect this behavior as well, making the particle ...
When selecting "affect pivot only" and choosing "center pivot" on 56 objects in 3DS Max 2019, 4 of them imported into Datasmith as Actors and not StaticMeshActors. This makes it seemingly impossible ...
Might be a simpler repro than this, but take a look at revision 1 of PreRolledBoxes in FortniteMain to see an asset affected by this. It was duplicated from StoreRoot which had breakpoints in some o ...
This issue is caused by the backout in 38341618. The original code that went into 5.0 affects serialization by changing the UCS modified properties. When upgrading, the override is lost because th ...
When importing multiple SpeedTree assets that use the same material will cause one to import blank (black) materials and assigned. This happens when importing into the same folder, however, if impor ...
OnComponentBeginOverlap and EndOverlap are called multiple times when moving in a Skeletal Mesh component's collision. This does not occur with a Static Mesh's collision. Test project available her ...
A user has found that they are seeing differences in how objects are affected by physics in Stand alone as apposed to PIE. While testing the amount of force applied to an object in the different pla ...
Match3 crashes shortly after being opened on both Android and IOS devices when the experimental blueprints option "Nativized Blueprint Assets" is enabled. Verified that the issue does not occur if ...