The Steam API is disabled when playing a Standalone Game that was started using the Play button. REGRESSION: Yes Worked: 4.24.3 Binary CL-11590231 Broken: 4.25 Binary CL-13261010 I do not see this ...
Have attached examples of this in action, including breakpoints showing the FDateTime::Ticks count as zero. Also showed that this is an issue for the existing GetYear/GetMonth/GetDay methods (and an ...
Ambient Occlusion does not seem to function when enabling Forward Rendering. I tested the level without Forward Shading and could notice a visible difference in the shadows when Ambient Occlusion wa ...
When creating a Curve and filtering the keys with a Fourier Transform, the engine crashes. The engine doesn't crash when the Bake, Euler, or Simplify options. It only crashes if there are a minimum ...
When adding a child actor component to a Blueprint with the Parent Class set to one of the new Water classes and then placing it in the world, the project will crash on open. This was tested with th ...
When creating a static mesh from a Procedural Mesh Component that has been used by a Create Mesh Section node, the editor crashes. The editor doesn't crash when selecting the Create Static Mesh butt ...
This is a regression Tested in: //UE4/Release-4.26.2 CL15973114 Binary - Did not reproduced //UE4/Release-4.27.1 CL17735300 Binary - Reproduced //UE5/Release-5.0-EarlyAccess CL16682836 Binary - Repr ...
PIE without compiling child blueprint (3rdSpiderPawn in example) that is attempting to affect an inherited variable will crash the editor. Additional Information: User has several cast to nodes ca ...
Event Dispatcher name changes do not propagate to related nodes until the editor is restarted. This does not appear to affect functionality in 4.7.2. In Main, the nodes must be refreshed to restore ...
REGRESSION No. When a skeleton has multiple skel meshes assigned to it, if the user creates a animation asset (animation blueprint, composite, montage) by right-clicking the skeletal mesh and selec ...