Unable to set a BP component field with WithIdenticalViaEquality

UE - Gameplay - Components - Sep 29, 2023

There's some quirky behavior occurring with the component's CDO when we change a value that isn't compared by the native code's equality operator. It only seems to commit when we first change anothe ...

Added Scene Components are Missing Billboard Nodes

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 22, 2023

Newly added scene components to blueprints will have no billboard sprites, and thus cause the actor to be invisible in the editor unless other visible components are added. They exist on the default ...

SplineComponent - setting roll affects tangents

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jun 12, 2023

Licensee reports issue with setting roll on a spline component control point. ...

Soft Reference to redirector object (or ghost redirector)

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 26, 2023

This seems be solved if asset is modify and saved again (Show in the video resource below ) [Link Removed] UDN Thread: https://udn.unrealengine.com/s/case/5004z00001nzoC9AAI/soft-reference-to-r ...

AActor::CheckActorComponents has misleading warning

UE - Gameplay - Components - Apr 24, 2023

There's actually two issues going on here: 1. The REINST references are incorrect, and due to [Link Removed]. 2. Blueprint created components will always have different names between the instance ...

Build geometry removes spline component visibility

UE - Gameplay - Components - Jan 23, 2023

A spline component will become invisible after building geometry with the spline actor in the level. This issue is occurring in //UE5/Release-5.1 @ Binary CL 23058290 This issue is NOT occurring ...

Using the "Keep World" scale rule can result in incorrect relative location when attaching actors

UE - Gameplay - Components - Dec 9, 2022

This seems to happen due to a precision error when calculating the relative transform between the socket and the component being attached. Occasionally, one of the transforms will have a scale of (0 ...

There is no indication that CreateDefaultSubobject will not work from within a Component/Nested subobject

UE - Gameplay - Components - Aug 16, 2022

We should at least update the comments on the CreateDefaultSubobject function warning people about the troubles and weird behavior that could occur when you call it from within a nested subobject  ...