Clothing data can not be applied after the mesh that had clothing data already applied to it has been reimported Error message "Failed to bind clothing asset "nameofmesh"_0LOD1 is already mapped t ...
Spline points are lost when compiling BP component. Component is used in PlayerCharacter. Spline Actor Casts to PlayerCharacter and calls a function on this component. Workaround: Open BP_SplineAc ...
This looks like the same issue as [Link Removed], but for ES31 (that was originally reported on ES2 and likely ES31 was not tested) So far this has only been tested on Android. It didn't occur on ...
Changing the Max LODLevel on a landscape causes a crash in content examples. ...
ProjectWorldToScreen always returns true. User states: "This probably comes from that line of code : bResult = Player->PostProcessWorldToScreen(WorldPosition, ScreenPosition, bPlayerViewportRelati ...
A Datasmith user has reported that the values for the import settings for CAD do not correspond to actual sizes. ...
Sort does not occur even if you rename actor, but it will be sorted when opened again. It will not be understood if the position changes when it is opened, so Licensee want you to sort immediately ...
Trying to launch on or package for TVOS or iOS from a source build of Mac or Windows will fail with errors:[2018.04.02-16.35.08:522][634]LogPlayLevel: In file included from /Volumes/Storage/GitHub ...
Class ref is not passed to server within the struct in UE 4.19. Instead, the default value is passed to the server. LogNetPackageMap: Warning: SanityCheckExport: CacheObject == NULL. NetGUID: 1, Ob ...
When changing levels in VR preview it appears to freeze for 30 seconds. This does not happen the first time VR preview is used during the editor session. However, after using VR preview once and cha ...