SyncGroups Do Not Function between AnimSequences when Blend Time is 0

OLD - Anim - Sep 22, 2015

SyncGroups Do Not Function between AnimSequences when Blend Time is 0 (zero) *It is quesitonable SyncGroups function between AnimSequences regardless of what the blend time is set to, but especiall ...

Using shortcut to find actor reference in level blueprint opens additional eventgraph windows in level blueprint editor

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Feb 24, 2016

Using shortcut to find actor reference in level blueprint opens additional Eventgraph windows in level blueprint editor despite the event graph containing the reference being open already. ...

IsRunningGame( ) is false on iOS when running on device

UE - Platform - Mobile - Oct 20, 2016

When running project on iOS Devices, IsRunningGame( ) in CoreMisc.h returns false. ...

Inconsistent UI for Parent Socket field

Tools - Aug 18, 2015

Concerning the UI, in most cases clicking on the magnifying glass will navigate to the selected asset in the Content Browser. Clicking on the magnifying glass next to the Parent Socket field result ...

HLOD generated proxy doesn't create or assign target lightmap coordinate index any longer

UE - World Creation - Worldbuilding Tools - HLOD - Sep 6, 2016

There are instances where HLODs will either generate a lightmap but not assign it to the correct Lightmap Coordinate index from the target lightmap setting in the HLOD outliner or the Lightmap will ...

Blueprint Implementable Events and Event dispatchers with the same name break the event dispatcher.

UE - Gameplay - Blueprint - Sep 22, 2015

Creating an event dispatcher and BlueprintImplementableEvent function with the same names causes a signature conflict inside the blueprint. The event dispatcher is then broken as it cannot be delet ...

Emissive for Static Lighting discarded upon Re-opening Level or Restarting Project

UE - Graphics Features - May 24, 2016

'Emissive for Static Lighting' discarded when restarting or re-opening a project. I discovered this issue while testing [Link Removed]. This issue does not occur in the binary 4.11 release so I hav ...

Using FObjectFinder outside of the constructor causes crash

UE - Foundation - Core - May 19, 2015

If FObjectFinder is used in a function other than the constructor, which should not be done, it causes a crash. ...

A static object using 'Complex as simple' collision will not collide with a dynamic object that is simulating physics

UE - Simulation - Physics - May 20, 2015

If a static object has 'Use Complex collision as simple' set as its collision type, it'll collide with a player but will not collide with objects that are dynamically simulating physics. ...

Print String node will stop printing to the screen if PIE is exited while Gameplay Debugger is active

UE - Gameplay - Feb 15, 2017

Print String node will stop printing to the screen if PIE is exited while Gameplay Debugger is active. Restarting the editor fixes the issue. ...